How Do You Fit Acrylic Splashbacks?
How to fit an Acrylic Splashback
Acrylic Splashbacks are incredibly easy to fit, you are essentially sticking a lighweight panel to a wall using silicone.
It's easy in just a few steps...
1. To measure the height, measure from the top of the area to be covered to the bottom and subtract 2-4mm for expansion
2. For the width use the same method (where panels meet each other do not allow any room for expansion at this edge).
3. Cut the panel to the desired height and width using a suitable power tool with the correct bit (HSS bits for a jigsaw for example).
Should you need to drill the acrylic again mark the location of the hole required and drill using an HSS drill bit.
4. Lay the board painted or printed side up carefully protecting the front so it does not get scratched
5. Apply our Neutral Cure Silicone to the rear painted side of the panel. It is low modulus, so for really uneven walls you can use more in any shallow areas and it will be asily compressed.
6. Press the panel to the wall until these is zero bounce
7. Seal the edges with the same neutral cure silcione to prevent water ingress and extend the product lifespan
Photo of a typical amount of adesive applied, use more if the wall is uneven