The Origins of Splashbacks
A Brief History of Splashbacks
Splashbacks were first introduced in Australia in the 1970s as a practical solution to protect walls in kitchens from splashes and spills. Initially, they were made of simple materials like tiles or Formica and were designed to be functional and easy to clean.
Over time, splashbacks evolved and started to be made from a wider range of materials, including glass, stainless steel, and composite materials. With the advent of new technology, splashbacks also became more decorative, with designers experimenting with different colours, patterns, and textures to create visually appealing accents in the kitchen.
Today, splashbacks are widely used not only in kitchens but also in bathrooms, laundry rooms, and other areas of the home where they provide a functional and attractive solution to protecting walls from moisture and splashes. The popularity of splashbacks has grown globally, with people all over the world incorporating them into their home designs.
So, How Have Splashbacks Changed?
Splashbacks have evolved over time in several ways:
Materials: Initially, splashbacks were made of simple materials like tiles or Formica, but over time they have been made from a wider range of materials such as glass, stainless steel, and composite materials.
Decoration: Splashbacks started as a functional solution, but as technology improved, they became more decorative. Today, splashbacks are available in a wide range of colours, patterns, and textures, and they are often used as a decorative accent in the home.
Uses: Splashbacks were initially used in kitchens to protect walls from splashes and spills, but over time they have become popular in other areas of the home such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and even outdoor spaces.
Technology: Advances in technology have allowed for the creation of splashbacks with unique and intricate designs, as well as with special features like backlighting.
Overall, splashbacks have evolved from a simple, functional solution to a decorative accent that can add character and style to any room in the home.