Splashbacks in general have the potential to be hugely advantageous. They look great, they provide a robust layer of protection for your surfaces and they’re surprisingly easy to install. But when it comes to the various material choices available, toughened glass splashbacks take some beating. Considered by many to be the gold standard, toughened glass splashbacks can make the perfect addition to any classical and contemporary kitchen.
As for what makes this particular material the choice for the discerninghouseholds, key features and advantages to consider include the following:
Unbeatable Hygiene
First up, it’s the importance of good hygiene standards in the kitchen. One of the biggest benefits of toughened glass is the way in which it is 100% non- porous, making it completely impervious to grease, bacteria and general grime. Nothing is able to make its way beneath the surface, making it easy to keep things clean with a quick wipe. In addition, you’re able to use a wide variety of cleaning products with toughened glass, without risking damaging the material. It is therefore one of the most hygienic choices for the kitchen, where bacteria and germs could build quickly on other materials.
Heat and Impact Resistant
The average kitchen is a pretty heavy-duty place, where surfaces and wall coverings are put through their paces. High temperatures, sharp objects, rapid temperature changes - all things that have the potential to take a toll on most surface materials.
With toughened glass, you are looking at a protective coating with the resistance of up to 400° C. It is also an extremely durable material, which won’t crack or chip when occasionally bashed with a pot or pan. In fact, the likelihood of damaging a toughened kitchen splashback while going about your daily business is practically zero.
Long-Term Value for Money
With little to no maintenance required, a good glass splashback has the potential to last a lifetime. This makes it one of the most cost-effective home improvements you can perform in your kitchen, in terms of long-term value for money.
Toughened glass splashbacks are easy to fit, with no specialist tools or equipment required, after which, it takes little more than an occasional wipe to
keep your splashback in pristine condition. Choose the highest-quality splashback for your kitchen and it could still be doing its job and looking great
decades from now.
Aesthetic Appeal
Last up, the aesthetic appeal of a quality kitchen splashback is undeniable. This counts double where custom splashbacks are concerned, which can be personalised in a variety of ways to suit your home. Elegant, sophisticated and timeless, glass splashbacks can bring a touch of luxury into any kitchen. All coupled with the kind of practicality that can make all the difference, in what tends to be the highest-traffic room of the entire home.